Sunday, March 8, 2009


I think i'm over the whole internet "blogging my feelings" kind of thing. After this, if I post in here it'll be pictures or something not important. I need to write in my journal more and I think because this is intangible it makes my memories harder to remember. If that makes any sense at all.
First off, I haven't eaten in five days. I've felt too weak and sick and miserable. After such a long drive yesterday, I felt like falling apart. old memories, feelings and thinking about school and the progress I feel like I haven't made.. It all got to me. I was feeling so distraught and lost inside, I ended up crying for a long time.
Now I'm really sick, and trying to write my feelings down is making me feel worse.
I think slutty girls hate on sluttier girls to make themselves feel less slutty. It's just sad. and I don't want to be a photographer.

1 comment:

GoodPeoples-Oski said...

make yourself laugh G.

Be well