Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Final 6

I have no time for anything lately. The anxiety and stress is nearly too much my soul to handle.
I am not far behind, but far enough to where I'm feeling too far.

As for my final six. I am doing something very personal. Each shot is a metaphor, or represents something that's played a huge role in my life. Things in my head that don't exist, and things that have made me into the person I am today. I'm really excited for this, and I hope that by putting my soul into this it will really reach people. I may write a small artist's statement with my stuff, just because i think it's so important to go with the body of work. I hope everyone who isn't in my class finds time to come. And I hope I can find model's and figure my stuff out. This week is wild, and I don't know why I can't seem to find any time. (but enough time to blog) Go figure.
Anyway, I have to get up early, dry mount at jefferson, get gas & coffee, class & then math, and then class and then more math and I still need time for laundry and mopping, and the shower is broken, and I need to take the garbage out.
I need a vintage mirror. As much as i'd love to buy one. I don't know if I can afford one. Someone, oh if you can help me out i'd appreciate it.

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